Jesse Tinell

Finding Message-Market-Fit

Some startups can whisper in a crowded space and capture everyone's attention, while others shout from the rooftops, only to be ignored.

The secret? Message-Market-Fit.

What is Message-Market-Fit (MMF)?

Message-Market Fit (MMF) is when your startup's messaging nails it—hitting right at the heart of what your target audience wants and needs to hear.

Think of it as locking in on the exact frequency that gets your market nodding along, thinking, "Yes, this is exactly what I've been looking for."

No fluff, no filler—just straight-up connecting your product's value to your audience's fundamental needs and challenges.

When your message does that, you're not just talking; you're communicating powerfully and directly in a way that can significantly ramp up engagement and interest.

Signs of Message-Market Fit

Product-Market-Fit V.S. Message-Market-Fit?

Product-Market Fit (PMF):

Message-Market-Fit (MMF):

How to achieve MMF?

1) Deeply understand the problem

Imagine sitting down for coffee with your ideal customer. What would they tell you about their challenges and needs?

Engage directly through interviews, surveys, and feedback sessions to uncover these insights. It's like decoding a secret language that only your target market speaks.

This step ensures your message is grounded in genuine customer insights.

2) Identify and segment your ICP and target market

By dividing your market into smaller, more manageable segments, you can craft messages that speak directly to the heart of each group's desires and concerns.

3) Develop a unique selling proposition (USP)

Every successful product has a story—a narrative that weaves through the fabric of real-life challenges and triumphs.

Develop a compelling story around your product that connects emotionally with your audience, making your message unforgettable.

Think of your USP as your secret sauce—it's that distinct flavor that makes your offering stand out in a sea of sameness.

It zeroes in on the unique benefit or perk that makes your product, service, or brand not just different, but irresistibly appealing to your customers.

Essentially, your USP is the heartbeat of your uniqueness, the very reason your product or service shines brighter in the eyes of those who matter most—your customers. It’s what hooks them in, offering a clear, compelling reason to pick you over the rest.

4) Test your message

This crucial step moves you beyond guesswork and into the realm of real-world engagement.

It’s about ensuring that the unique value you believe you’re offering actually hits home, stirring interest, and sparking engagement among those you’re aiming to serve.

How to test your message:

Remember: It's not just about throwing your message out there; it's about seeing if it sings, resonates, and connects with the people you aim to serve.

5) Refine your message

Sharpen your value proposition until it's crystal clear, highlighting the unique advantages of your product in meeting your audience's most urgent needs.

Finding MMF is both a science and an art

It's about blending analytical rigor with creative storytelling to craft a message that not only reaches but profoundly connects with your audience, compelling them to act.

In the end, achieving Message-Market Fit is about creating harmony between your startup's vision and the world's needs, composing a narrative so compelling that your audience can't help but listen.