Jesse Tinell

How To Generate Billion-Dollar Unicorn Startup Ideas

To build a unicorn (a startup valued at over $1 billion), you must think big - and everything starts with tuning your mindset to grand thinking.

The Masterclass in Thinking Big

  1. Surround Yourself with Visionaries: Your environment shapes your ideas. Connect with people who push boundaries, not just those who nod along. You want the risk-takers, the daydreamers—the ones who see what others don't.
  2. Future-First Approach: Project your thoughts into the future. What does it look like? What has changed? Work backward from this future to the present. It's like reverse engineering tomorrow's needs—think of how Uber transformed transportation by anticipating the rise of the sharing economy.
  3. Spot the Seismic Shifts: Innovation often rides on the back of change. Identify the big shifts happening now—like AI or renewable energy—and imagine the opportunities they could open up.
  4. Scale Potential: For a startup idea to go unicorn, it has to scale—big time. Airbnb and Facebook didn't just grow; they exploded by leveraging network effects. Does your idea have the same potential to expand?
  5. Universal Problems, Unique Solutions: Look for issues that affect a vast audience. The more people or companies you help, the larger the impact (and the potential return).
  6. Learn from the Greats: Study existing unicorns. Dissect their beginnings, their pivot points, and their growth. What can you take from their playbook to inform your idea generation process?

The Ideation Engine

Generating ideas isn't a one-off; it's a lifestyle.

Keep notes of your ideas, because they tend to grow and change over time. Revisit them periodically; time can turn a maybe into a definitely.

Make brainstorming a ritual. The more you practice generating ideas, the better your chances of striking gold. And remember, persistence is key—every 'no' is a step closer to 'yes.'

Redefining the Box


Thinking big, and thinking different, sets the stage for unicorn-level success. It's about creating an environment that nurtures audacious ideas and maintaining the belief in their potential, no matter how unconventional they may seem. Consistently refining your ideation process is like honing a fine blade—it gets sharper with time. And in the realm of startups, it's that razor-sharp idea that cuts through the noise and captures the billion-dollar prize.